Mine Rescue Apparatus Hat
Patented Lamp Bracket on unmarked cap.
Louis Scherz Patent Lamp Holder on Unmarked Cap
T.R Jones Patent Lamp Holder on Coal king Cap
Jos. Barta Patent Lamp Holder on Penn Mfg Co. Cap
T.R. Jones Patent Lampholder on Coal King Cap
Unmarked.Wet Mine Hardhat
Style worn in Lake Superior Region Iron & Copper Mines ca. 1880-1910
Cool Cap made by Portable Products Corp.
Safety Brand with Louis Scherz Patent Lamp Holder
E.D. Bullard Co.
Hardboiled Hat
T.R. Jones pre-Coal King Cap
E.D. Bullard Co.
Hardboiled Hat
Duperite Brand made in Australia
Czechoslavakia - All Leather
Great Britain - All Leather
Miners' helmets and caps in the U.S. were initially used more for the utilitarian purpose of having a place to hold a lamp while the miner worked. They were later developed into a safety device to protect the miner. In the United States, the E.D. Bullard Company was a mining equipment firm in California, created by Edward Dickinson Bullard in 1898, who had been in the industrial safety business for 20 years. The company sold protective hats, but they were only made of leather. His son, E.W. Bullard, arrived home from World War I with a steel helmet, which provided him with an idea to improve industrial safety. In 1919 Bullard patented a "Hard-Boiled Hat", made of steamed canvas, glue and black paint. That same year the U.S. Navy commissioned Bullard to create a shipyard protective cap, which began the widespread use of hard hats. Not long after, Bullard developed an internal suspension that would provide a more effective hat.
Patent Stamping on Above Cap
Mine Safety Appliances Co.
Style worn in Lake Superior Region Iron & Copper Mines ca. 1880-1910
Canadian Black Diamond Brand Shaft Sinker's Hat
Mine Safety Appliances Co. w/ Fuller 1946 Patent flip eye shield
Mine Safety Appliances Co. Wet Mine Hardhat
T.R. Jones Coal King combination soft cap/hardhat
Germany - All leather with steel cap bracket
Victor Cap Pat. Dec. 3, 1901