ASL&MS Co. Deputy Marsaut
Aluminum Hughes Bros. Davy Lamp
Arras Carbide Safety Lamp
C. Koch Carbide Safety Lamp
Seippel Carbide Safety Lamp
The danger of methane gas (firedamp) being ignited by an open flame in coal mines was much reduced by the development of the flame safety lamp stemming from the work of Dr. William Clanny, George Stephenson and Sir Humphrey Davy. It is Davy who is credited with the true invention of the flame safety lamp in 1816. His idea was to isolate the flame from the flammable gas by means of a wire gauze surrounding the flame. Davy demonstrated that burning gases, on passing through the wire mesh is broken up into tiny streamlets which are so cooled by contact with the metal of the mesh that the flame is extinguished. It was found that the greatest safety could be obtained by a standard mesh formed by 28 steel wires per inch making 784 openings per square inch.
Hughes Bros. Vest Pocket Davy
Baby E. Thomas & Williams
Premier Lamp Co. Leeds England
Henry Watson
New Castle on Tyne
John Cook
Birmingham, England
Hailwoods Patent Lamp
Type A.D.C. No.3
Hailwood & Akroyd Ltd.
John Davis & Son Derby, England
Name Plaque on Lamp Above Left
F. Santini Carbide Safety Lamp - Italy
Stokes Patent Gas Testing Lamp
made by Davis of Derby - England
Nameplate on Lamp at lower center
Hailwood & Akroyd
W.B. Lamp No. 2
Morley Yorkshire UK
E. Richardson & Co.
Ravensthorpe Dewsbury, UK
Ashworth-Hepplewhite-Grey Patent
J.M. Everhart - Scranton, PA
John Davis & Son Derby, England